Saturday 30 April 2011

Go Green on May 5th - Vote Yes!

A group of environmentalists and campaigners passionate about a sustainable future have come together to support Yes to Fairer Votes. They have written this letter outlining why they believe that the alternative vote will help us to deal with some of the pressing issues affecting our planet. They say:
In less than a week's time we will be asked if we want to move to a fairer voting system or stick to the status quo. Our current rules for electing MPs to Parliament were designed for a different age, when 95% of us voted for the two main parties; at the last election this fell to 65%, the lowest in Europe. Man made climate change, nuclear power, degradation of ecosystems, depletion of resources and food waste are environmental problems which cut across ideology and partisan interests and can slip through the cracks when the big parties fixate on the preoccupations of the floating voters in marginal seats who currently decide elections.
The Alternative Vote will allow voters to rank candidates and mean MPs will need the support of 50% of their constituents to get elected, a test currently met only by one in three Members of Parliament. MPs will have to reach further and speak to people who are not their ‘ideologically natural’ supporters, opening the door to others, especially those worried about a degrading environment to put their concerns on the map. But this is bigger than the interests of any one party.
It is about the health of our democracy. The alternative vote will make it easier for independent minded people, inside and outside political parties, to be vocal about the environment and for different political parties to emerge if existing parties don’t pick up peoples’ concerns.
If our voting system cannot cope with the most pressing challenge of our times then it must be reformed and May 5th is our one and only chance to do so.
Signed by:
Jonathan Porritt, Environmentalist & Writer
Caroline Lucas MP, Leader of the Green Party
David Puttnam, Member of House of Lords
Tim Smit, Founder of Eden Project
Tony Juniper, Environmental Campaigner & Writer
John Elkington, Founder of Volans & Founder of SustainAbility
Sara Parkin, Co-Founder of Forum for the Future
Joanna Yarrow, Broadcaster, Author and Founder Director of Beyond Green
Ed Gillespie, Low Carbon Traveller and Writer
Wayne Hemmingway, Designer
Colin Hines, Co-director of Finance for the Future
John Grant, Author & Co-Founder of Ecoinomy
Melissa Sterry, Design Scientist & Futurologist
Dale Vince, Founder of Ecotricty & OBE
Simon Goldsmith, Founder of Principled Sustainability
Polly Higgins, International Environmental Lawyer
Richard Reynolds, Founder of Guerilla Gardening & London Leader
Joss Garman, Campaigner & Writer
Tamsin Omond, Founder of Climate Rush
Amisha Ghadiali Vice-Chair of Yes to Fairer Votes & Ethical Fashion Campaigner

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