"Communication with residents is vital as a councillor. Whether its through knocking on doors, delivering newsletters, attending public meetings, holding surgeries, through the local media or by letter, phone and email - getting your message across is extremely important. People need to know who you are, and what you stand for. Blogging is the latest way of communicating your views to residents. It's a daily diary that is online and available for all to read.
"My blog won't be just an webpage version of the successful Focus newsletter we regularly deliver to our residents. It will be extra - topical and up-to-date. I've called the blog 'It's not just politics!' because the entries will cover anything I think may interest other people. For instance I've just put on a short review of the hit musical Scouse Pacific. But there will be much that is controversial too. I want to give residents a better incite into my views of the issues affecting us all in Sefton."
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