Monday 17 January 2011

YES to Fairer Votes

Over the next five months your Manor FOCUS team will be championing the voting referendum in May. We'll be bringing you our arguements and the reasons why voting YES is the right choice to make. To begin though, the three basic reasons why:

Next May you have a choice. You can keep using the First-Past-the-Post system to elect our politicians, or you can choose a new and fairer system - Alternative Vote (AV)
AV is a small change that makes a big difference.

MPs having to work harder to be elected
MPs will need to secure at least 50% of the vote to be certain of winning, not just in the 1 in 3 that can currently put them in power. They'll need to work harder and go further to get — and keep — your support. They'll have to appeal to more people in the communities they seek to represent, because doing just enough won't be enough any more.

A vote that really counts
Forget tactical voting – just pick the candidate you really want to win. But if your favourite doesn’t win you can still have a say. It's as easy as 1,2,3...

Tackling Jobs for life
Too many MPs have "safe seats" or jobs for life, and the expenses crisis showed us just where that culture can lead. Now you can help end that culture of complacency.
AV keeps what works with out current system, and eliminates many of its weaknesses. It's a long overdue upgrade to make a 19th century system fit for the politics of the 21st century.
Our parliament will better represent our communities. MPs will have to have a better view of what your community thinks - and that's because they will have to listen harder to your views. 

For all the details visit: YES To Fairer Votes 

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